Sunday, April 26, 2009

Smooth Runnings II

Ever since the new condenser, the Midget has been running fantastic. After an evening run down to Center Valley on Friday, I was even more discouraged by the jerky throttle pedal action. Although the engine was running great, I wasn't able to fully enjoy its performance. So that Friday night, I attempted to fix it. I was almost positive it was caused by the hard-to-move butterfly disc on the front carb. This was the one that broke apart (see Watching My Carbs) and was thereafter fixed by the local shop. So I took it apart and replaced the throttle shaft (the rod that holds and pivots the butterfly disc) with a shaft off one of my old carbs. After the transplant, it moved so much more easily. Below is a shot of the piece I replaced.

Unfortunately, this didn't fix the problem. I counted it as a success though. Because at least I didn't make anything worse through the process.

Since it's easy enough to do, the next morning I decided to replace the throttle cable. It looked like the wire itself was replaced by the shop, but upon closer examination, the outer sheath looked like the original. So I picked up another set from the bike shop. I swapped it in, took it for a drive, and all was better! I only wish I had done the sensible thing and tried the easy fix first.

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