Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'm an idiot and drove several miles with the e-brake on in the Midget...even with my OCD tendencies of constantly checking it.

Anyway, when I realized my mistake and took it off, the brake pedal became scarily squishy. I was down at my parents', so my dad helped me try to adjust the rear drum brakes. My manuals were at home, but we jacked up the car, took off the wheel, removed the drum and starting looking around to see how to adjust the shoes. After no luck, Dad found a tutorial on YouTube, and we discovered we didn't even have to remove anything. There's an adjustment bolt on the back of the brake which adjust the shoes in and out. So you tighten it until the wheel stops moving freely (the shoes begin rubbing against the drum) then back if off a few flats. Repeat on the other side.

It's a pretty easy procedure and it's good to know how to do now. Brakes now work great.

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