Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Would the owner of a..."

Despite the 40-50° temperatures we've been having‚ I've been commuting with the MG's top down. I'm not exactly sure why. But it's really quite exhilarating.

Anyway, I stopped at Lowe's on the way home this evening. After a few minutes of shopping, I heard what sounded like rain coming down on the store's roof. I convinced myself I was hearing something else since the sky on the ride over wasn't the least bit ominous. But sure enough, after a few more minutes, a voice on the loudspeaker said, "Would the owner of a small convertible with the top down please come immediately to the front of the store." Or something like that. I was RIGHT in the middle of a purchase decision, so I tried not to rush myself.

As I made my way up there, I overheard employees talking and looking around for the car's owner. When I went to checkout, I told the lady it was mine. And she told some lady by the doors. They were just kind of like, "Oh." I think they were anticipating a panicked man bolting for the doors in desperation. But it was pouring down pretty good and it's not like the car could get any wetter at this point. Not wanting to take the time to put the top back up, I drove it home that way, too. I just made sure to wipe everything down when I arrived.

I'd care more if I had leather or cloth seats, and if my carpet wasn't already on its way out. But the vinyl seats have proven to be very resilient, and my dash is almost entirely shielded from the rain.

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