Sunday, January 10, 2010

Car Tunes

For Christmas, Steve and Greg got me a Kenwwod stereo and two 6.5" speakers for the Mini. Nice ones too. The following weekend everybody chipped in to help me out. Steve and Greg tackled the installation of the head unit and Dad and I dealt with the speakers.

The previous speakers sat on the rear shelf above the trunk. Since we were flush mounting the new ones, we had to cut two holes through the three layers (metal, particle board, carpet) of the shelf. It was difficult cutting the left hole due to the proximity of the gas tank below. I ended up using some plier cutters on part of it because we couldn't get at it with the jigsaw. And after I accidentally seared the original carpet with the shop light, we ended up replacing it with some new carpet. But at the end of the day, I think it turned out really well.

Being preoccupied with that, I didn't get to track the progress of the head unit up front. But I trusted Steve's and Greg's abilities in that area more so than my own. They did a great job putting it in and hooking it up.

Four people working on the interior of such a small car posed some logistical challenges, but things turned out great in the end. Thank you to everybody who helped out!

1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe you were able to get to the back seat with me sitting in the front seat! It looks great, and I hope we can fix the power/ignition situation some time. I also hope you decide to replace the Midget speakers with my MB Quarts.
