Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Terrible Twos

When things go wrong, they all go wrong at once.

The Midget has been "missing" lately. It's more noticeable at high speed/high acceleration. And though it's not as severe, it feels similar to the symptoms I experienced with the condenser fiasco a few months back (see Smooth Runnings I and II). Since they're cheap enough, I ordered another condenser and rotor and I'm preparing myself to perform the tricky condenser swap once again (without removing the distributor). However, the procedure may be moot...because I think I'm strongly considering converting to an electronic ignition system. Dad kept bringing this up and I always thought it was much more involved than it is. But basically it seems like you just remove the distributor and swap in the new unit. I won't have to deal with points or condensers again...which would be great.

Next, the Mini's heater box has just recently started to leak coolant on the interior floor. (Thanks to Greg for noticing the leak.) My dad informs me it's most likely the heater core (which I think is also called the heater matrix). This makes sense looking at where it's dripping from the casing. This is a $100+ item so I might hold off on purchasing it till the fall. In the meantime, I plan on removing the whole heater box and joining the "in" hose with the "out" hose. This will be the quickest fix so I can continue to enjoy the car throughout the summer. Hopefully I can get this done tomorrow. And hopefully I'm able to do it without draining the whole cooling system.

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